Elva D. Weber

Elva D. Weber

Reaching the age of 80 has been lots of fun, smiles, gifts, and a great deal of accomplishments. I heard recently "your life is great if your children are doing well" - true. I am grateful for them.

2 min read

Yes, I am woman, hear me roar! Easy to say, but in actuality it seems men rule the world, or they did when I was wondering around the country organizing sales meetings and presentations with architects, designers, building owners and sub-contractors.

The most important part of the job was to train sales reps about green products or recycled interior finishes. This part of the job was easy, as my experience was obtained after many years of exposure to such materials in Europe and other parts of the world.

In the process, I made appointments with distributor companies with a large number of sales reps in the industry; brought the required marketing and sales items to their offices and proceeded to answer questions after the main presentation.

This time, I was to meet with a distributor in Pennsylvania and a large number of employees who wrote specifications for industrial and health care complexes. I arrived on time, had all my equipment ready to go, when I was told the sales manager had been fired this day and the whole office was in chaos.  This manager apparently forgot to mention I was due to arrive for training of the sales force.

With no new manager or otherwise anyone in charge, the office was a disaster.  There I was, with no one expecting me, no coffee, no donuts, no audience. Sad to see, but reality.

At this low point, one of the sales reps came to my rescue; he assisted me in carrying my wares back to my rented car, directed me to the nearest coffee shop in town and we proceeded to discuss the alternatives.  Prior to our meeting, he left his resignation letter on the reception desk.

Which proves not all is lost even when you think it is.  He turned out to be what we needed in this part of the world.  One who was willing and able to take the job and grow it with tenacity and gusto and had many connections in the city.  We worked the following three days with people he knew, and I left with a sense of accomplishment.

One evening, during dinner to celebrate our new acquaintance, my cell phone rang, and all eyes turned to our table in horror; the restaurant prohibited cell phones at the tables and was adamant about the noise and lack of attention to dinner this new gadget provided.  I was asked to leave the table, take the phone to the car and return without it.  I complied, as being in a faraway city left me with no other choice but to cater to their rules.  Of course, all eyes from the other diners were on me while the restaurant owner berated me about the noise. I felt as if I had a target on my back.

After this incident, I was very careful, no matter what city I was in, to change the phone to silent and vibrate when a call came in; nothing like carrying your personal vibrator in your pocket while working or dining with other people.  You must do what needs to be done.